
And we're back to work...

You know me, I don't do anything halfway. I decided that if one job was good, two would be awesome and three would absolutely rock outloud. So, in addition to blogging at Hippie Sounds, I work PT at our local library working at the children's reference desk and babysitting teens at their after-hours teen center plus FT as a new Field Director for Girl Scouts.

I need a nap.

The girls are having a great time eating leftover pizza (I have night meetings so don't cook anymore for the two hours I'm home) and recovering from the flu.


MDT said...

You know what would make you feel more rested? Posting new photos of your girls (both the human and canine ones) ;)

In all seriousness, CONGRATULATIONS on your jobs. That's awesome.

PS: Send me some Girl Scout cookies!!