
Have a Jolly Halloween!

I am crazy for Halloween, for me it's more fun than Christmas and I (usually) get started decorating the minute September is put to bed. This year I'm waiting until we move so I don't have to pack twice but it's torture to see my neighbor's nifty decorations already up and mocking me in their spooky goodness.

The girls have started planning their costumes though it'll be a surprise what they finally decide on. My favorite so far was Wynter's Bride of Frankenstein last year though I do have lingering fondness for Rowyn's banshee.

What was your favorite costume (adult or child)?


Jennifer said...

Hey, are you moving into a new house (that house post above?) Also, you should enter my contest at P&B the prizes are pretty good -- it's a send a kid in costume photo deal. Just stopping by to see what's new

stacey said...

Hey girl!
I was just thinking about you! How is your Green Halloween coming?

Off to the contest!