
New look!

So, whatcha think of the new look? I'm shocked it took me this long to settle on a new blog template but I'm digging the blue. I'm contemplating changing my website to a blog just for the ease, thoughts?


Girl Scouts TAPS

Well, it's been a year and a half and my time is done with Girl Scouts -- I'm headed back to Fool on the Hill and the girls! I had a fabulous time, met some amazing people but the tiny amazing people at home gets first dibs. I'm wrapping up my career as Field Director with a whizbang day camp this week -- Mystery at the Manor. Awesome, eh? =)

Now where did I hide all those GS cookies?


Finding Papa

It's been a crazy few months - okay year - but we finally broke free from work and school to head out to So. Cali to visit my pop and some old friends!


Flippin' finally - BLACKBIRD

After much too long, I've finished my novella BLACKBIRD. It has nothing to do with birds, what can I say?

It's a ghost story, naturally, with a hot love story thrown in for kicks. And you know me, there's a good dose of tips on ghost hunting throughout it. Problem is, I can't decide on a name for my heroine. At the moment, she's Clementine Moon and I'm not feelin' it. Ideas?